Thursday, May 17, 2012

SOL Time of the Year...Good Luck! Art by: Brittany Steele

Art Display 2012

Top - Roman Mosaics
Middle - Mali Mudclothes
Sides - Kindergarten Lamb/Line and Color 5th Grade

Faith Ringold Quilt 1st Grade
Chinese Dress 2nd Grade
Civil War Soldier 4th Grade

Roman Ruins - 3rd Grade

Civil War Soldier - 4th Grade

Element of Shape based of Hennri Mattise's Beast of the Sea - 5th Grade

Jack and the Bean Stalk - K & 1st Grade

Mixed Media Where the Wild Things Are - 2nd Grade

Native American Art 2012

Totem Poles

Learning Native American Pictographs


Egyptian Art 2012

The Book of the Dead/ King Tut's Sarcophagus

A Wall of Art


The Paper Towers were built by 5th graders in a lesson where they learned about the element of form. They had to work together in teams to build the highest tower.This got them thinking about effective methods for architecture, viewing art in the round, and the challenges of making 3-D art work. Some classes used hot glue while others used tape. Tape was way more effective but not as aesthetically pleasing. The clay sculptures are 4th grade's work. They learned how art can express an emotion by its subject matter and color. Each student had to validate how they did this with their sculptures.