This assignment was designed to build the student's confidence. Students had to simply trace the drawing and then color. There is an art and purpose behind tracing and the students really enjoyed it.
- 5th Grade
- 4th Grade
- 3rd Grade
- 2nd Grade
I challenged the students (3rd - 5th) more with this assignment. As you can see below they creatively turned each letter of their name into a creature and drew things around their names that they like. This was a lot of fun and helped me to get to know them.
I also put my young artist to the test with these self portraits and they passed with flying colors!
- Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade
Below are some pictures of a collaborative effort with 2nd Grade. The teachers asked if I could do a project to help their students learn about patterns. The students painted noodles and strung them on yarn to make a patterned necklace. Very cool!