Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Welcome to the 2011/12 School Year!!

So here is a small taste of what is going on this school year so far. A lot of these projects focus on names because it is a good way for me to get to know the names of my students and to get to know them. Some projects not shown here are 2nd grade's study on 3d shapes. Ask your student if they can name 6 3d shapes I bet they will say yes. We watched this awesome video > and sang along. We also made 3d shapes with clay and learned how to draw them. I hope you enjoy these projects!

3rd grade - they had to turn each letter into a "creature"

K-1st grade - colorful name designs using glitter and ripped pieces of construction paper

K- self portraits after a study on the proportions of the human body

5th grade - We discussed properties of a shadow and created a project based on this

1st grade - this project was done in a response to a study of night and day in nature

4th grade - a name project that focuses on line, color, and form

3-4th grade - these leaf creatures done in response to the fall season